Upon inspection, the Glue of Hectora Rubande may not look like much. It is a bland, beige fluid that – unheated – feels rubbery to the touch. Hectora Rubande herself has said to have exclaimed “phew, that stinks” when she… Continue Reading →
On occasion strange and wonderful things wash up on the shores of curio shops and antique stores. Sometimes those things are the Lugubrious Pantaloons of Mr. Sonntag. Mr. Sonntag was, before expiring in an unfortunate pants-related accident, a tailor and… Continue Reading →
There is a town in the kingdom of Rialsa close to a mountain where they mine for copper and brass. The town is called Flyte and just like most folks in Rialsa, everyone in it is an inventor. The sound… Continue Reading →
Fenix Awards har vilat i ett par år under pandemin, men jag vet att både Tove och Anders var och är angelägna om att fira svenska speltillverkare på olika sätt. Fenix Awards syftar till att uppmuntra de av oss som… Continue Reading →
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