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One of Those Moments – Having a New Game

Most of the moments I write about are moments that happen in game, but sometimes the best moments are the moments of anticipation. You start up your console or PC. See the new game or stick the disc in the… Continue Reading →

No Hero Without An Other

Being a hero in a game is remarkably similar to being a man. Not to mention that in videogames being a hero is most often to be a man. What I mean by this is that in order to figure… Continue Reading →

Why so Negative?

The reason I write a lot about what games do wrong is because I feel that gaming culture, game development and games in general can be so much better, but in order for us to be better, we have to… Continue Reading →

Let me be the hero

I vividly remember seeing Wonder Woman in the darkness of a movie theatre with a dear friend. I remember tears in my eyes as Diana climbed up the ladder and charged across the battlefield. I remember thinking “this is for… Continue Reading →

“Put a dog in there.”

Relatedness refers to the social nature of human beings and the connectedness with others. Both can be considered as being part of the panhuman psychology and both are intrinsically intertwined. – Heidi Keller, Psychological autonomy and hierarchical relatedness as organizers… Continue Reading →

One of Those Moments – Zerg, A Shotgun and You

StarCraft II is about the most redneck-y a science fiction game about aliens can get and I kind of cringe-like how much that aspect of the game is embraced in SC II. In particular I enjoy the jukebox in the… Continue Reading →

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