Perhaps you’ve noticed that I’ve been more quiet than usual over the last couple of years here at discordia. I’m trying to change that. In part by writing my blog posts in bulk (surprisingly this works better than I thought)… Continue Reading →
This is a new decade (well, technically, it’s not really a new decade until 2021, but who’s counting) and there are a bunch of retrospectives out there. This is… maybe not so much a retrospective as a reflection. If existing… Continue Reading →
In late 2019 I did a talk at Konsoll and Sweden Game Conference about ethics in game development. The talk went over well even though it’s just a brief dip into the topic of ethics and how ethics affect us… Continue Reading →
And here’s why. I’m sure by now you know about the absolute mess that is GamerGate. Preceded by those wobbly weeks in August when Zoe Quinn was accused of sleeping with people to get better reviews by an angry ex-boyfriend… Continue Reading →
Förbered er på en Wall of Text med referenser. Jag tänker skriva lite om provokation och effektsökeri, och jag tänker börja i en ände som har diskuterats en hel del, bland annat på Det handlar om omslaget till det… Continue Reading →
There’s a backlash happening across the globe right now. Even though popular culture seems okay, I’m pretty sure we’ll see a surge of movies, books and games that reproduce these values soon enough. What 24 did to torture, so to… Continue Reading →
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