More specifically, we need to speak up about the circumstances and conditions that are fairly standard in game development. Just recently, a woman was fired from Bungie because she didn’t use the right title in her social media accounts. She… Continue Reading →
I dagarna gick Lund 1922 av stapeln och på fredagen bröt jag en… lång period av att inte ha skrivit till konvent med att skriva till konvent. Den här gången var det Kutulu av Mikael Bergström som fick äran att… Continue Reading →
One of the things I ask – or hope I ask – most frequently when working with other designers is “what’s the intent with this feature?” As a UX designer, I need to know. I’m not trying to be annoying… Continue Reading →
When I started in the games industry I was naïve. I thought it was a meritocracy, that we all had a chance at success. We didn’t. As the years passed, I saw more and more (and younger) men pass me… Continue Reading →
As you may or may not know, Boyfriend Dungeon had a surprise update recently with new weapons to date, a new dungeon and more interaction with the weapons, and most delightfully, between the weapons. As you may have noticed, when… Continue Reading →
Being a hero in a game is remarkably similar to being a man. Not to mention that in videogames being a hero is most often to be a man. What I mean by this is that in order to figure… Continue Reading →
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